Making changes to your entry
The process of allocating start times for all non-Elite competitors is now underway. As a resut, all changes to indvidual FootO entries that impact your start time (including changes in class - but see below) will incur a £5 charge per person per day. Changes will close on Saturday 13th April, when the database will be frozen.
The £5 charge will apply to changes in class (for example switching from Long to Short). The one change which will not be chargeable is a change from age class to a colour class.
To request a change and to pay the relevant £5 fee per person per day (i.e. £5 for each start time that will need amending) please pay the total amount due and explain in the 'reason for payment' box the change your require making reference to your Entry Number (see the start list) and Name using this link.
If we are unable to action your change request we will refund the full amount paid back to your card.