News page
E&CC M21E appeal outcome
The outcome of the appeal against the truncation of the day 2 M21E course has now been published:
M21E Day 2 truncated
After receipt of a protest, the jury has decided that curtailing the M21E race at the control prior to 179 (178) seemed to offer the fairest outcome in relation to the results the previous day, ie finding the best orienteers on that day, and would also contribute to a result over the 2 day race.
W21E day 2 course voided
After receipt of a protest, the jury has decided to void the W21E class.
As a result, the JK overall title for W21E will be decided based solely on the day 3 results.
For day 3 W21E start times, the organiser has decided that these will be generated using the results from the voided day 2 race.
IMPORTANT: Road Closure days 2 and 3
Good evening all,
Staffordshire County Council yesterday (28th March) closed Borough Lane at the junction with the A51. As such the revised route shown in this email is the route that ALL competitors must use to approach and leave the car parking. PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW YOUR SAT NAV – other routes into the site are available but are not suited to traffic and will result in congestion that could delay you reaching the assembly.
Please make sure the word gets out to all of your fellow competitors and my sincerest of apologies for the last minute change. I recommend allowing additional time on your journey to reach Beaudesert due to the potential increase in congestion.
Kind regards,
Kristian Roberts
Organiser – JK2024 Days 2&3
Parking for Beaudesert and Stanton Moor
Despite the continued downpours we are on top of the parking. We are getting some hefty track matting put down at Beaudesert and Stanton Moor adding up to 1,050 metres! We ask that you play your part and follow the instructions of the officials at all times. No wheel spinning, please!
JK Programme V6 published
Version 6 of the programme has had to be published due to the change of instructions for campervan parking that the weather has forced upon us.
JK Programme version 5 published
The latest and, hopefully, final version of the programme has now been published. There may still be last minute tweaking if someone spots an error, or something significant happens in the next week. I recommend you hold off printing the programme as late as you can.
WRE Bulletin 2
Bulletin 2 has now been uploaded.
Neighbouring club alliances for junior classes
Clubs from the same Association and/or geographically adjacent clubs are permitted to form combined teams (“Alliances”) for participation in the JK Relays. Alliance teams are competitive and will be eligible to win trophies. This applies to the following classes:
- Mini Relay (M/W12 or under)
- M14, W14
- M18, W18
See the ENTRIES tab for more information.
JK Programme V3 now published
Version 3 of the programme now issued due to a couple of funamental changes. The entries secretary details have changed and the terms and conditions link has been updated to point to the current terms and conditions.